Great article and clear thinking on the customer journey again from Harvard Business Review.
Using Automation, Proactive Personalisation, Context and Innovation they say companies can disrupt the traditional customer journey to entice more customers to buy, more quickly and for longer. Unsurprisingly, the most successful brands have the structures, cultures and processes to deliver this.
In the past many digital and integrated projects failed because silo departments clash over priorities, over the working culture and even over language.
Fortunately, new approaches like DevOps from the likes of CA are gaining ground to integrate the Development and Operations teams, delivering faster and more efficient innovation. This approach should extend to Marketing and other divisions. In time, I think it will.
But one unpalatable truth remains as true today as it did in the early days of the internet. Unless the Board gives clear direction that over-rides departmental objectives, the project will stumble.
It’s no surprise that HBS use Nordstrom as an example. The brand is well-known for its focus on customer service.